What is this all about.


This idea sprang on me like every other neurotic thought that I have. I can’t type as fast as the words come to me so I will start here with who I am and what I hope to achieve through this site.

Im Erin, I have been bullied my entire life, even up until now. I know people say it gets better and I am a firm believer of that. I have had my good and bad experiences and somehow I am still here. I feel like my calling is to shed light onto bullying, how it can impact you, how you can learn to overcome it and hopefully see the light at the end of the tunnel- even if it follows you. My goal is the 86 those bullies and move on with life in the most positive way possible. If one person reads this blog and it helps them, then I accomplished something. If no one reads it, well so be it.

This page is going to be stories, photographs, and just information I hope you like! Stay tuned for this can only get better then this blog. I promise!